At MFC, we strive to earn the trust of our patients and the communities we serve. To help us do that, we have instituted a Compliance Program and Code of Conduct.
Who is responsible? Everyone, including employees, board members, administrators, Physicians, volunteers and those with which we do business.
What are the rules that must be followed? The standard set forth in the Code of Conduct provides an overview of the laws and rules you are expected to follow. All employees are provided with a copy of the commitment to the Compliance Handbook, which summarizes the Code of Conduct. In a nutshell, we expect everyone to conduct themselves the highest ethical, business and legal standards. If you suspect that someone is doing anything that is illegal or unethical, you must report it.
Examples of what needs to be reported:
• Questionable billing, coding or medical reward documentation practices.
• Giving or accepting something of value in exchange for patient referrals
• Quality of care issues.
• Stealing.
• Altering Medical records.
• Any Activity or business practice that could possibly be interpreted as unethical or illegal.
HOW TO REPORT COMPLIANCE VIOLATIONS • Report violations to your supervisor. • Contact the Compliance Officer (Darlene Scott) at 231-737-1741 or, or call the Compliance Hotline anonymously at 231-737-1899. Messages left at this number will be transcribed before being presented to the administration to preserve anonymity upon request. • All compliance issues will be investigated. • You may revise the issue anonymously if you wish. BE ASSURED THAT INTIMIDATION OR RETALIATION AGAINST ANYONE WHO IS IN GOOD FAITH RAISES A COMPLIANCE ISSUE IS PROHIBITED. |
If you have information you would like to make available to the Muskegon Family Care administration, you may submit it here. Any information provided here is anonymous and confidential, unless you wish to provide contact information. If you wish to leave a voice mail, please call 231-737-1899. If you wish to stay anonymous, the message will be transcribed before being presented to MFC Administration and your anonymity WILL be preserved.